
Cieffe Safety

In march 2020, after the Covid-19 outbreak, Cieffe converted part of its production capacity for the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) with the aim of helping Italian people and the medical staff facing the sanitary emergency.

Protective gowns
Filtering masks
Protective overalls

EN14126 - III category
PPE disposable and washable certificates (washable for up to 5 times)

CE 1203200167 - 00 - 03
CE 1203200155 - 00 - 04


Cieffe Confezioni e Façon Srl
Legal offices: Via Mecenate 84/8, 20138 Milano (MI), Italy
Shared capital Euro 51.000
Tax code / VAT no. 13399560153
Registration with the Registry of Businesses of Milan MI1646938